Since 1972, the official process of initiating adults into the Catholic faith has been in use, modelled on how new members were initiated into the early church. Vatican II revived this sacramental practice, and it is the official rite for initiating unbaptised adults and children of a catechetical age into the community of Christ. A validly baptised Christian can enter into full communion of the Catholic Church through the ritual process of the RCIA.
The three sacraments of initiation are; Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, the foundation to Christian life. All three sacraments are necessary to be fully initiated into a full membership of the Catholic Church. Adults, including children of catechetical age, receive the three sacraments in one liturgical celebration. Baptised Christians receive Confirmation and Eucharist. All the sacraments of initiation are celebrated at the Easter mass.
The RCIA is also used to welcome Catholics back to the community to reconnect with their sacramental life and faith relationships with Christ. Catholics can be catechised in preparation to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation. Those baptised as Catholics at infancy, but never completed their initiation in the faith, can be initiated into the community. "Returning Catholics", those who want to resume their baptismal commitment to Catholic life, can do so through adult formation and teaching in the Catholic faith.
Growing in faith means accepting God's invitation to change.
George Toal BA (Hons) M.Ed. MA.
Catechetical Ministry, St. Margaret's
To join the RCIA, please contact either of the following:
Parish Priest - [email protected]
George Toal - 01383 728 617